What kind of faith do you have?


Have you ever read the whole chapter of Hebrews 11? If you haven’t or even if you haven’t in a while – please go and read it. I was so encouraged by the words in this chapter. My favorite version is the Message. But the New Living Translation is good too.

What I find most fascination about this chapter of God’s word is that it proves He is with each of us. He’s been there from the beginning.  God had a plan and was there at the time of the creation of light and dark. He was there in the garden. God was there with Cain and Abel. The Lord stayed with Cain and blessed him with Enoch, whom the Lord was pleased with. The Lord was with Sarah when she couldn’t get pregnant and then also when she did. God stayed with Joseph when his brothers sold him into slavery and as he spent many years in prison. He was there during the flood. He was abiding next to Israelites as they watched the Red Sea part.  God helped David to fight Goliath. Solomon had the Lord’s wisdom. Joseph and Mary were led by the Lord.

And the truth is friends – Yahweh is with you. He’s been there all along. From the moment you were conceived to the moment you will die. When you look through all these examples of these wonderful yet ordinary people, I hope you feel encouraged. They chose to have faith. And all it takes is faith. Faith in what is not seen. Faith can move mountains.

My question today is…

What kind of faith do you have? Are you trusting in what you cannot see?

“Not one of these people, even though their lives of faith were exemplary, got their hands on what was promised. God had a better plan for us: that their faith and our faith would come together to make one completed whole, their lives of faith not complete apart from ours.” Hebrews 11:39-40

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